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man placing a grid in place to stabilize a trail

Our Products

Right-way Trail Systems Eco-Stabilizer™ is an easy-to-install modular platform made with recycled materials. It is designed to protect environmentally sensitive areas used by OHRVs and multi-use trail riders. We currently hold US and Canadian Patents.

Product Description

Right-way Trail Systems developed an integrated modular trail platform for use on OHRV (Off Highway Recreational Vehicle) trails in sensitive areas. Our Eco-Stabilizer™ is patented in the US and Canada. The function of the product is to minimize the environmental impact of OHRVs. The product can be placed in level or low lying sensitive environments to reduce environmental damage, such as soft muddy areas and banks, to prevent the formation of ruts, mud holes and erosion. It keeps riders on the trail instead of going off-trail to get around impassable holes and ruts, thus minimizing the trail footprint.


Our trail platform helps preserve the environment by protecting surrounding vegetation. It does this by eliminating topsoil erosion that can cause sediment to enter nearby streams and ponds. Used on hilly terrain or steep inclines, it will minimize slope erosion and allow OHRVs to easily negotiate hills while eliminating erosion of road bank.


The product is composed of 100% recycled material. Each piece measures approximately 34" x 47" x 3" thick with large interspacing (approximately 6 1/2" x 6 1/2") for tire traction.  


Originally designed with OHRVs in mind, its versatile two-sided design allows it to be used in any multi-use trail application, such as walking trails or equestrian trails. Installed with the wide interspacing face-up, it engages OHRV tires. The other side with tighter interspacing is good for walking or equestrian trails. Used on snowmobile trails, early season wet-spots that are slow to freeze, or other areas where snow constantly wears thin, results in less property damage and erosion. 


Features of the Eco-Stabilizer™ product include:


  • Rugged construction to maintain shape

  • Each piece is able to withstand up to 330 psi

  • Quick and easy 3-step installation

  • Available in black or green in two different patterns to provide a variety of layout options


Installation of Eco-Stabilizersâ„¢ is simple!

It's just 3 easy steps to install.


text: RTS

1. Remove any high spots and rake      the area smooth

2. Lay pieces out and secure the            interlocking tabs

3. Secure pieces with the provided        pegs

man raking the ground
man placing a grid in place to stabilize a trail
man placing a peg  to hold a grid in place to stabilize a trail

Use Cases

Snowmobile Trails

In addition to eliminating erosion in muddy areas that are slow to freeze, environmental damage can occur on feeder trails to gas and food, high traffic road crossings, or park and ride entrances. Our Ecostabilizers can be used in those high-traffic areas where snow wears thin to help sledders avoid "snirt:" bare ground, rocks, and mud. This makes snowmobilers, trail administrators, and especially landowners, very happy!


Towns and state highway departments are looking for ways to eliminate erosion to the edge of pavement at road crossings. With our product you simply can embed it even with the highway grade, back fill it with loam and replant, gravel, or maybe stone dust. This makes for a very stable substrate to support high traffic loads at popular road crossings. 


OHRV Applications

Model "A" Unit used for widths that are a multiple of 44" to 46" depending on spacing. A maximum of 40 units for 100 feet of a single unit wide trail are required. Small cell side can be used for level terrain.

Dimensions and unit counts are approximate.


To all our valued customers and trail builders, because of improved production efficiency, we are able to offer our black Eco-Stabilizers™ for $47.50. Pegs are $2.00 each. There is a discount for high-volume orders. 

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